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100th Day Literacy Activities
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On the 100th Day of School, I always like to plan a learning-filled celebration to help us commemorate the big day. Throughout the entire day, the students rotate between several 100th Day stations. While 100th Day math activities have always been easy to incorporate into our 100th Day centers and whole group activities, it has been a bit more challenging to find engaging literacy activities that match the energy of our celebration. In this blog post, I have compiled a list of hands-on, innovative 100th Day literacy activities that are sure to help reinforce your students’ literacy skills!

100th Day Literacy Centers
Pocket Chart Sentences
Not only does this station incorporate literacy, but it also ties in some math. The students build and read these pocket chart sentences, and then match each ten frames card to the correct sentence.
After building each sentence, they will complete the response page by filling in the missing word.

100 Rhyming Words
Easily practice rhyming with this 100 rhyming words activity. The students will match 50 pairs of rhyming words for a total of 100 words!

This makes a great independent activity, or you can use the rhyming cards as a whole class or in small groups.

100 Write the Room
At this 100th Day center, the students will write the room as they collect the items needed to make a special 100th Day snack!

This is a fun way to practice initial sounds, as well as to build vocabulary.
Whole Group 100th Day Literacy Activities
100th Day Writing Prompts
An easy way to incorporate writing into your 100th day celebration is with these 100th Day literacy activities writing prompts. There are six different prompts to choose from.

To kickstart this activity, we brainstorm ideas for the writing prompt on an anchor chart.

After the students write and illustrate their page, I like to gather the pages, add a cover, and bind them together to make a class book for all of us to enjoy.
100 Words We Know
There are a few different ways to complete this activity. You can have each student add five or six words to the “100 Words We Know” anchor chart.

Or, you can complete this activity as a whole class where you are in charge of writing the words the students say, making sure not to repeat a word already written.
We Can Decode 100 Words
This might be one of my favorite 100th Day literacy activities! In kindergarten, we practice decoding CVC words, but this is a great way to practice decoding a variety of words containing the sounds your students have learned.
I prep the anchor chart, including the title and numbers, ahead a time. During our whole group mini lesson, I add a word to the chart. As a class, we decode the word. Then, I add a new word for us to decode together.

It’s important to note that we do not decode all 100 words in one sitting. I break this up throughout the day, and sometimes over multiple days.
Letter Grab
Practice letter names and letter sounds with this letter grab activity. It’s one of the best no prep 100th Day literacy activities!
Simply place 100 letters, both upper and lower case into a bag. You can use alphabet cards, magnetic letters, or foam letters.

Have your students sit in a circle. One by one, they will pull out a letter, name the letter, and then say the letter sound. For an added challenge, you can have the students say a word that has that beginning sound.
Word Families
This a great whole class activity. You will need anchor chart paper, some markers, and a number of word families in mind.
Start with a word family and have your students think of all of the words for that word family. You can write the word, or you can share the pen and have each student tap and map each word. Repeat for all the word families, until you have a complete list of 100 words.
Beat the Clock
Set a timer for 100 seconds. In that time, see how many times the students can write their name.
100 Autographs Book
Before concluding our 100th Day of School celebration, the Kindergarten classrooms assemble in the gym for one of my favorite traditions: collecting 100 autographs from our friends!

Each child excitedly brings their autograph booklet and a pen. To prepare, I demonstrate how to approach a friend and politely request their signature. In the gym, the kids enthusiastically roam, gathering autographs.

Trust me, it’s an incredibly enjoyable and effortless activity! The students remain engaged during the 30-40 minutes we spend gathering signatures, making it a fantastic practice session for their name-writing skills!
100th Day Emergent Reader
Students can easily practice their reading strategies with this 100th Day of School emergent reader.

Simply print, cut, and staple. Students can color each page, and then keep their book in their book box for fluency practice.

100th Day of School Books
Read picture books throughout the day to help celebrate the 100th Day of School. You can find a complete list of some of my favorite 100th Day read alouds here!

More 100th Day Activities

Combine these 100th Day literacy activities with these 100th Day math activities!

Learn how to set up your 100th Day centers with ease with these top three secrets!

Check out this post for 100th Day of School crafts!

This super simple 100th Day gumball craft is always a favorite!


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Ashley Sharp
As a dedicated Kindergarten teacher for nearly 20 years, I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!
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