Crafts Freebie

Free Apple Life Cycle Craft

Learn all about the life cycle of an apple, as your students sequence each stage, with this FREE (easy-to-assemble) apple life cycle craft!

⎯ Crafts ⎯

Simple Apple Life Cycle Craft

Fall is one of my favorite seasons in the classroom! There are so many weekly themes we get to celebrate in kindergarten… pumpkin week, Fire Safety Week, and one of my top picks (see what I did there), apple week! We create this simple apple life cycle craft, as we are learning all about apples! It is a great way for students to visually learn all about the life cycle of an apple, while also practicing their fine motor skills. Grab your apple life cycle craft FREEBIE at the bottom of this post!

Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!

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Apple Life Cycle Craft Supplies

Apple Life Cycle Craft Prep

Preparing this apple life cycle craft is simple and quick!

First, copy the apple on red construction paper or card stock.

Recommended Resources:

Apple Activities, All About Apples Craft, & Apple Investigation

Apple Activities, All About Apples Craft, & Apple Investigation

Interactive Pumpkin Investigation Activities - All About Pumpkins Craft

Interactive Pumpkin Investigation Activities – All About Pumpkins – Pumpkin Craft Shape Book

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20 Early Finishers Activities for September: File Folder Games & Morning Work

Next, copy the stem on brown construction paper or card stock.

After that, copy the leaf on green construction paper or card stock.

Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!

Finally, copy the stages of the life cycle onto regular copy paper.

Each student will need an apple, a stem, a leaf and a strip of the life cycle of an apple stages.

I like to quickly separate the stems, leaves and stages, but I primarily leave most of the cutting to the students.

This is a great way for them to strengthen their scissor cutting skills.

Apple Life Cycle Read Aloud

Once all of the apple craft parts are prepped, it is time to introduce this activity to the students.

Before doing so, I like to read a few apple books that go into detail about the life cycle of an apple.

I love to read “An Apple’s Life” by Nancy Dickmann, as well as “How Do Apples Grow?” by Betsy Maestro.

Both nonfiction books are great for introducing the different stages of an apple tree’s life, including the sprouting of the seed, the growth of roots and shoots, the development of blossoms and the transformation of flowers into apples.

How Do Apples Grow?
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02/18/2025 02:47 am GMT

To incorporate a little gross motor movement, I also like to have students act out the stages of an apple life cycle before we even begin our craft.

Apple Life Cycle Craft Directions

Once we have a solid understanding of the life cycle of an apple, we begin by cutting out the circles, the stem, the leaf, and the apple.

Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!

Once everything it is cut, it is time to assemble the apple craft.

Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!

As a whole class, we say the stage and then glue the circle onto our apple using a glue stick.

We repeat this process until all five stage of the life cycle are glued onto the apple.

Next, we color in each stage of the apple life cycle. I like to have students color in the stages using colored pencils. The finer tip makes it easier for students to color in the tiny details.

Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!

These apples make an adorable apple bulletin board for fall or they can be hung around the classroom by hole punching the stem and hanging them from the ceiling with a paper clip.

Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!

Don’t forget to grab the FREE apple life cycle craft template!

More Apple Crafts and Activities

Discover 20 interactive apple investigation activities HERE!

20 Apple Investigation Activities for Kids

Strengthen fine motor skills with this torn paper apple craft!

Learn all about apples during apple week! Pair this apple paper craft with your favorite apple books or apple activities during the month of September. This simple apple craft for kids is perfect for the beginning of the school year. Work on fine motor skills, as your preschool and kindergarten students tear and glue pieces of paper. This fall craft makes a perfect apple bulletin board. You can complete this apple craft after your apple investigation!

You might also like this paper plate apple craft for labeling the parts of an apple!

September is the perfect time for apple crafts, apple books and apple activities! This paper plate apple craft for preschool, kindergarten and first grade comes with a free apple labeling printable. Learn all about apples, and then let your students complete this adorable apple paper plate craft. This fall craft allows students to work on fine motor skills, as well as labeling. You can complete this apple activity during your apple investigation week. Grab your free apple label printable now!

Celebrate apple week with any of these fiction or nonfiction books about apples!


Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!
Celebrate apple week, while learning all about the life cycle of an apple, with this simple apple life cycle craft for preschool and kindergarten! This life cycle of an apple craft pairs well with your favorite apple books for kids. After learning about the life cycle of an apple, practice scissor skills and gluing skills with this easy apple craft. Include this fall craft in your apple investigation and apple activities. Grab the free apple craft template for your apple week activities now!
Ashley Sharp Pos Bio Image

Ashley Sharp

As a dedicated Kindergarten teacher for nearly 20 years, I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!

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