Crafts Freebie

Free Apple Life Cycle Craft

Learn all about the life cycle of an apple, as your students sequence each stage, with this FREE (easy-to-assemble) apple life cycle craft!

⎯ Crafts ⎯

Back to School Crafts for Kids

The start of a new school year can be very overwhelming for our young learners. Getting used to a new classroom, new friends and new teacher is exciting, but also a bit scary. One way to help break the ice and make learning more fun during those first few weeks of school is through incorporating back to school crafts. Crafts are wonderful for building fine motor control, scissor skills, visual-spatial relationships, listening skills, creativity and more. Plus, you can easily integrate ELA, math and/or social studies with these purposeful back to school crafts for kids!

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations, as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts, including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

Back to School Crafts for the First Week

All About Me Backpack

Building community is so important, especially during those first few weeks of school. What better way to get to know your students and build positive relationships than with this “All About Me” backpack craft?!

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

The pages included in this fun back to school craft allow students to share about their birthday, favorites, family and so much more.

Each of the 28 pages has just the right amount of writing for our little learners!

Recommended Resources:

All About Me Back to School Backpack Craft and Writing Activities Bulletin Board

All About Me Back to School Backpack Craft and Writing Activities Bulletin Board

First Day of Back to School Pencil Craft & Writing Activities for Bulletin Board

First Day of Back to School Pencil Craft & Writing Activities for Bulletin Board

Back to School The Kissing Hand Craft First Day Feelings Graph and Activities

Back to School The Kissing Hand Craft First Day Feelings Graph and Activities

First Day Feelings Raccoon

We integrate math with this adorable raccoon craft, as we create a “First Day Feelings” graph… the perfect craft to go along with one of our favorite read alouds for the first week of school!

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

Plus, the students make text-t0-self connections, while they share how they felt on the first day of school with words and pictures, as well as with a class graph.

Pencil Craft

With this super simple pencil craft, the students get to write their name on the eraser and then draw a self-portrait on the shaft of the pencil.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

It features just 3 easy-to-cut pieces, including straight and diagonal lines, making it perfect for the first week!

David Goes to School

During the first week of school, I’m all about establishing routines and setting expectations! One of my favorite stories to read is “David Goes to School” by David Shannon.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

As we are reading, we turn those “No, David” choices into “Yes, David!” choices. Then, we create this super cute Yes, David! craft!

Stick to the Rules Glue Bottle

Teaching classroom rules during the first few weeks of school is essential, but getting those rules to stick can be a bit of a struggle. That’s why I created this super cute “Stick to the Rules” glue bottle craft and interactive digital slides, featuring 20 kid-friendly “I can” statements!

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

Each page features an interactive activity to help the students better remember that particular rule!

School Tools Toolbox

It’s also important to set clear expectations for how to use school supplies during the first week of school.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

Once students have practiced how to correctly use a particular school supply, they will earn that school supply sticker for their school tools toolbox!

Back to School Crafts about Names

Dotted I

Grab your bingo daubers for this simple “Dotted I” craft for back to school. After dabbing the letter “I,” I model how to draw the head, face, belly, feet and hands… so their “I” becomes a person.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

Next, we write the sentence at the bottom. I model how to write the words I and am, as well as how to make finger spaces between words. From there, the students complete the sentence by writing their name.

School Bus

Before completing this “Name on The Bus” craft, I like to practice singing the song using the pocket chart poem included in this Name Activities Bundle.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

It takes a few days to get to all of our friends, but this interactive poem is a great way to reinforce letter and sound recognition, as well as to practice sequencing and counting the letters in our names.


This Chrysanthemum craft is a hit every single year because it pairs with one of our favorite back to school books, “Chrysanthemum” by Kevin Henkes.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

After reading the book and discussing what makes us special or unique, we make this cute name craft.

Coconut Tree

Building this Chicka Chicka Boom Boom tree helps strengthen students’ scissor cutting and gluing skills.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

Plus, they get to practice sequencing and counting the letters in their name.

Ice Cream Cone

Students get to learn all about the first letter, the last letter, the number of letters, the number of consonants, the number of vowels and the number of syllables in their name, all while stacking their ice cream scoops on this ice cream cone craft.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

So fun… and yummy!

Alphabet Name Soup

This “Alphabet Name Soup” craft allows students to sequence the letters in their name, as they practice their coloring and scissor cutting skills.

Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.

I like to pair this craft with my “Alphabet Name Soup” game which you can learn all about HERE! The kiddos beg to play this name game over and over again!

More Back to School Activities

Your students might also enjoy these other name activities for preschool and kindergarten!

Discover a full list of name activities, including name puzzles, name crafts, name poems, name graphs and more! Students will practice fine motor skills, as well as tracing their name, with these name practice activities and name tracing mats. Plus, these name crafts make the perfect back to school bulletin boards. Students not only get to practice name writing and building their name, but they also practice math skills. Pair these name activities with any of your favorite name books for kids!

Pair any of these name crafts with one of the name books on this list!

Looking for name books for back to school that you can incorporate into your first week lesson plans? To celebrate our uniqueness, I am sharing 25 name books for kids that are great for getting to know you activities and building classroom community in your early elementary classroom. Use these name books, including Chrysanthemum and The Name Jar, with a variety of name activities for preschool and kindergarten. Add these kids books to your beginning of the year lesson plans!

Don’t forget to take a peek at our favorite David Goes to School activities, to help establish positive behavior!

Review classroom rules and encourage positive behavior during the first week of back to school with these David Goes to School activities and craft for preschool, kindergarten and first grade! Perfect for a back to school bulletin board display! Plus, practice the alphabet, rhyming, counting, numbers, 2D shapes and more with the eight math and literacy activities and centers! Tackle classroom management, routines and procedures, as you turn those "No, David!" choices into "Yes, David!" choices!

Help calm first day fears with these 40 books for back to school!

Back to school books are a great way to calm your students first day jitters. Today, I am sharing over 40 back to school read alouds for kids that will help them adjust to their new classroom and get excited about the school year. These back to school books for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade pair great with first week lesson plans, back to school crafts, and more. Find back to school activities and more in this list of back to school read alouds.


Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations, as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts, including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.
Back to school crafts are a great way to kickoff the new school year! Today, I am sharing some of my favorite back to school crafts for preschool, kindergarten and first grade. You will find a David Goes to School craft, an all about me craft, a first day feelings craft and more. These crafts are great for teaching rules and expectations, as well as building a strong classroom community from day one. You will also find name crafts, including a Chrysanthemum craft and alphabet name soup craft.
Ashley Sharp Pos Bio Image

Ashley Sharp

As a dedicated Kindergarten teacher for nearly 20 years, I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!

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