Science & Social Studies Freebie

Free Butterfly Life Cycle Activities

Explore how butterflies change and grow when you download these FREE butterfly life cycle activities for preschool, kindergarten, and first grade!

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Butterfly Life Cycle Craft and Activity Using Pasta

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students. To help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow, we use this butterfly life cycle craft. This interactive tool is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly, building vocabulary and strengthening fine motor skills!

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!

Butterfly Life Cycle Craft Supplies

  • Butterfly craft template
  • Colorful construction paper
  • Green construction paper
  • Dried navy beans
  • Rotini pasta
  • Shell pasta
  • Bowtie pasta
  • Glue

Butterfly Life Cycle Poem

Before making the butterfly, the students learn a poem all about the life cycle. This little jingle (sung to the tune of “Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star”) helps them better remember each stage.

Flutter, flutter, butterfly.
Use your wings and go so high.

Lay your eggs upon a leaf.
Caterpillar, munch and eat.

Spin a silky chrysalis.
Rest and rest, metamorphosis!

You can find this butterfly poem, as well as the daily activities to go with the poem, in my I Can Read Poetry Binder for May.

Butterfly Life Cycle Craft Directions

For this butterfly life cycle craft, the students will use navy beans and pasta shapes to symbolize each stage.

First, they cut out the butterfly shape. You can find this particular butterfly shape here!

Then, they attach one leaf shape inside each section of the wings.

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!

Now, they will use the navy beans to represent the eggs.

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!

Rotini pasta is the perfect shape to represent the caterpillar.

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!

Shell pasta works perfectly for the chrysalis.

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!

And, of course, bowtie pasta to represent the butterfly.

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!

Talk about a great concrete representation!

Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!

Last, stand back and admire the uniqueness of each butterfly craft!

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Grab the butterfly life cycle craft template and poem in my I Can Read Poetry Binder for May!

Don’t forget to grab these FREE butterfly life cycle sequence strips!

Teach your Preschool and Kindergarten students all about the life cycle of a butterfly with this butterfly life cycle poem, butterfly craft and FREE butterfly life cycle sequence strips! These interactive spring activities are the perfect way to explore how butterflies change and grow!


Learning all about butterflies is always a favorite spring life cycle activity for preschool, kindergarten and 1st grade students! This interactive butterfly life cycle craft is perfect for reviewing the stages of the life cycle of a butterfly. Use pasta with the butterfly life cycle printable to help solidify their learning about how butterflies change and grow. Add this butterfly life cycle activity to your spring craft ideas for kids!
Ashley Sharp Pos Bio Image

Ashley Sharp

As a dedicated Kindergarten teacher for nearly 20 years, I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!

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