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Back to School Classroom Hacks
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Hi, friends! Operation back-to-school is in full swing, and I am slowly counting down these last few days of summer vacation! As I was setting up my room, I got to thinking about a few classroom hacks that are sure to make setting up for back-to-school a little easier for you too!
Back to School Classroom Hacks
If you all have lockers, you will love this first tip! After I laminate my locker tags, I adhere them to the lockers using rubber cement. Simply cover the back of the tag with the rubber cement. Then, position the tag on the locker. Easy peasy!
This is so much easier than trying to cover them with clear contact paper, and the rubber cement keeps them sticking to the locker all year long. Plus, the tags are easy to remove. Simply peel them off and rub the rubber cement with your hand to remove the left over residue. I usually have the kiddos help me roll off the rubber cement at the end of the year. They think it is just the coolest thing ever!
My second tip is for all of you (myself included) OCD teachers out there! This tip comes from my coworker’s classroom. She uses zip ties to keep her desks in straight rows!
No more desks that are out of order, no more straightening them a million times throughout the day, and no more marking the floor with tape!
This last tip will help save your sanity when working in your journals, writing notebooks, reading notebooks, composition books, etc. A few years ago, my coworker showed me how she uses binder clips to help the kiddos keep track of which page they need to turn to next.
You all, this is genius! I no longer have kiddos flipping to the middle of their journals and having their journal entries out of order. Thank you!
Your students are sure to have fun with this “Backpack Boogie” ten frame center! Place these ten frame cards around the room. The students will “boogie” around the room and count the backpacks. Then, they will color and write how many backpacks are on each ten frame. Click below to grab this FREEBIE!
I hope you were able to find some useful classroom hacks!
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Ashley Sharp
As a dedicated Kindergarten teacher for nearly 20 years, I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!
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