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Firefighter Poem and Free Firefighter Circle Map
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It’s no secret that most kids are enamored by firetrucks and firefighters! With October being Fire Prevention Month, I like to capitalize on this excitement and integrate this theme into our literacy instruction with our firefighter poem and firefighter game. Keep reading to grab our FREE firefighter circle map!
Here are just a few fire safety activities you may want to include, as you get ready to plan your Fire Safety Week all about fire prevention and firefighters.

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Firefighter Poem
On Mondays, we always begin with a new poem for the week. Each day, we’ll read our firefighter poem during our shared reading time and complete a different activity.
With our firefighter poem, we’ll find our new word wall word “my,” identify any other words on the word wall, practice naming and supplying words that rhyme, as well as locate the commas.

Poems are a great way to build oral language and vocabulary, fluency, sight word recognition, concepts of print, comprehension, and phonics and phonemic awareness skills. You can read more about our poem of the week activities here.
Firefighter Game
On Friday, we use our firefighter poem to complete an extension activity.
As an extension to our firefighter poem, we play a fun game of “Extinguish the Letter Sounds!“

I’ll call out a letter or sound (you can differentiate depending on the skills of your students), and a student will “extinguish” it by swatting that letter with a flyswatter. My kiddos like to play against each other, so that two students are looking for the same letter or sound. The first to “extinguish” the letter wins!
Although we love to play this game as an extension activity on Friday, you can also use this game as a literacy center the following week. Students can play with a partner or in small groups.
Firefighter Circle Map
After reading Firefighters A to Z by Chris L. Demarest or The Firefighter by Jenny Goebel, we’ll create this interactive firefighter circle map. You really could read any book about firefighters, but both of these clearly illustrate the tools and importance of being a firefighter.
First, I’ll ask the class to help me identify the beginning sound of “firefighter.” Then, I’ll choose a student to share the pen and write the beginning sound. We’ll do this for each firefighter tool until our circle map is complete.
You can download this interactive firefighter circle map to use with your students for FREE!

Happy Fire Prevention Month! Please visit our teacher community to see what other teachers have planned for this week!
More Fire Safety Activities
Take a closer look at these simple fire safety rules for kids and grab the FREE “Fire Safety Expert” helmet!

Plus, grab these FREE firefighter thank you cards, as well as check out some other fire safety activities we complete during Fire Safety Week!

For a complete list of fire safety books for celebrating Fire Safety Week head to this post! Students will love learning all about fire drills, firefighters, and fire trucks with these fire safety books!


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Ashley Sharp
As a dedicated Kindergarten teacher for nearly 20 years, I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!
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