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Voting Activities for Kids – Duck for President Activities – Mock Election
Celebrate Election Day or Presidents’ Day with these voting activities for kids and Duck for President activities and craft! Use the 8 voting ballots to host a mock election, where students cast their vote at the voting booth after presenting their personalized voter registration card! Plus, have your students create “I Voted!” stickers, badges, buttons or crowns. After the mock election, tally, graph and analyze the results with the whole class pocket chart and printable student graphs. Then, have students record their opinion with the differentiated opinion writing activities!
# of Pages: 235
File Type: ZIP
Celebrate Election Day or Presidents’ Day with these voting activities for kids and Duck for President activities and craft! Use the 8 voting ballots to host a mock election, where students cast their vote at the voting booth after presenting their personalized voter registration card! Plus, have your students create “I Voted!” stickers, badges, buttons or crowns. After the mock election, tally, graph and analyze the results with the whole class pocket chart and printable student graphs. Then, have students record their opinion with the differentiated opinion writing activities!
With over 230 pages of meaningful, hands-on activities, including nonfiction slides, you can easily introduce the voting process and teach essential vocabulary in a fun, kid-friendly and neutral way!
Plus, this resource includes a variety of Duck for President comprehension activities, including sequencing, retelling, analyzing character traits, reviewing story elements and more!
Included Voting Activities for Kids:
- Nonfiction Slides
- 8 Mock Election Voting Ballots
- Voter Registration Cards
- I Voted! Badges
- I Voted! Stickers
- I Voted! Crowns
- Ballot Box Labels
- Voting Booth Labels
- Vote Here Signs
- Campaign Posters
- 8 Pocket Chart Graphs
- 8 Printable Student Graphs
- Differentiated Opinion Writing Activities
- Comparing Candidates
- Vocabulary Cards
Included Duck for President Activities:
- No Prep Craft
- Voting Ballots
- Retelling Cards
- Sequencing Printable
- Character Traits Anchor Chart
- Character Traits Printables
- Story Elements Anchor Chart
- Story Elements Printables
- Pocket Chart Graph
- Printable Student Graph
- Differentiated Opinion Writing Activities
- Comparing Candidates
- Vocabulary Cards
I hope your students love these Duck for President activities and voting activities for kids!
Keeping our little learners SHARP together!
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