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  • All About Rabbit Activities - Easter Bunny Craft

    All About Rabbit Activities – Easter Bunny Craft


    Learn all about rabbits and bunnies with these 22 interactive rabbit activities and adorable Easter bunny craft! You can easily integrate science, math, literacy and social studies into your nonfiction rabbit unit, as your students learn about the life cycle of a rabbit; family of a rabbit; parts of a rabbit; diet of a rabbit; appearance of a rabbit; location and habitat of a rabbit; legs, teeth, nose, ears and eyes of a rabbit; as well as predators of a rabbit. They will also graph and analyze the results by giving their opinion about liking/disliking carrots!

  • Groundhog Day Craft and Groundhog's Day Activities

    Groundhog Day Craft and Groundhog’s Day Activities


    Learn all about groundhogs with these 22 interactive Groundhog’s Day activities and adorable Groundhog Day craft! You can easily integrate science, math, literacy and social studies into your nonfiction Groundhogs Day research, as your students learn about the life cycle of a groundhog; family of a groundhog; parts of a groundhog; diet of a groundhog; appearance of a groundhog; location and habitat of a groundhog; legs, teeth, and senses of a groundhog; as well as predators of a groundhog. They will also graph and analyze the results by predicting whether the groundhog will/will not see his shadow!

  • Christmas Around the World Craft & Holidays Around the World Slides

    Christmas Around the World Craft & Holidays Around the World Slides


    Celebrate the Holidays Around the World, as you travel to 16 countries and learn about 9 Christmas Around the World and 8 holiday celebrations! Engage your students with this complete Holidays Around the World unit, including student passports, boarding passes for each country, 50+ interactive student pages, and 64 nonfiction slides with real photographs.

  • Interactive Spider Craft and Spider Activities for Halloween

    Interactive Spider Craft and Spider Activities for Halloween


    Learn all about spiders with these 25 interactive spider activities and adorable spider craft! You can easily integrate science, math, literacy and social studies into your nonfiction spider research!

  • Bat Activities and Bat Craft for Kids

    Bat Activities and Bat Craft for Kids


    Learn all about bats with these 25 interactive bat activities and adorable bat craft! You can easily integrate science, math, literacy and social studies into your nonfiction bat research, as your students learn about the life cycle of a bat; parts of a bat; diet of a bat; echolocation of a bat; location and habitat of a bat; wings, eyes and teeth of a bat and predators of a bat. They will also compare sizes of bats, while they learn all about micro-bats and mega-bats!

  • Interactive Pumpkin Investigation Activities - All About Pumpkins Craft

    Interactive Pumpkin Investigation Activities – All About Pumpkins – Pumpkin Craft Shape Book


    Investigate pumpkins with these 18 interactive pumpkin investigation activities and adorable pumpkin craft! You can easily integrate science, math, literacy and social studies into your nonfiction pumpkin unit, as your students learn all about the pumpkin life cycle, uses of a pumpkin, where to grow a pumpkin, parts of a pumpkin, needs of a pumpkin, five senses of a pumpkin, and facts about a pumpkin with this interactive pumpkin craft shape book!

  • Fire Safety Week Craft | Fire Safety Rules Interactive Shape Book

    Fire Safety Week Craft | Fire Safety Rules Interactive Shape Book


    Celebrate Fire Safety Week with this adorable fire shaped fire safety rules booklet! Your students will learn 11 fire safety rules using interactive activities. This fire safety week craft helps students learn all about fire safety prevention tips and tools.

  • All About Turkeys: Turkey Craft, Turkey Nonfiction Unit & Turkey Life Cycle

    All About Turkeys: Turkey Craft, Turkey Nonfiction Unit & Turkey Life Cycle


    Learn all about turkeys with these 18 interactive turkey activities, adorable turkey craft and nonfiction text about turkeys! This file also includes EVERYTHING you need to teach your turkey unit… turkey life cycle anchor chart, life cycle emergent readers, life cycle pocket chart sentences, location of a turkey map, mood of turkey posters, diet of turkey plants and animals pocket chart sort, and picture vocabulary cards.

  • All About Reindeer Activities & Reindeer Craft

    All About Reindeer Activities & Reindeer Craft


    Learn all about reindeer with these 15 interactive reindeer activities and adorable reindeer craft!

    You can easily integrate science, math, literacy and social studies into your nonfiction reindeer research, as your students learn about the life cycle of a reindeer; parts of a reindeer; diet of a reindeer; names of a reindeer; location and habitat of a reindeer; antlers, fur, hooves and muzzle of a reindeer and predators of a reindeer.

    They will also compare their height to that of a reindeer!