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Digital Ice Cream Day Activities for the End of the Year


Celebrate the end of the year, as you review math and literacy skills, with these digital ice cream day activities! Your students will be highly engaged as they complete 8 different challenges to solve the mystery of the missing ice cream supplies and build a sundae with these digital escape room activities!

# of Pages: 19

File Type: ZIP, PPT, Google Apps, Seesaw


Celebrate the end of the year, as you review math and literacy skills, with these digital ice cream day activities! Your students will be highly engaged as they complete 8 different challenges to solve the mystery of the missing ice cream supplies and build a sundae with these digital escape room activities!

After they complete each challenge, they will move further along the path. A hidden sundae supply will be uncovered after each challenge. Once all 8 ice cream day activities have been completed, they will have collected all of the supplies for a big sundae!

There are 4 math and 4 literacy ice cream day activities included in PowerPoint, Google Slides and Seesaw. Targeted skills: recognizing rhymes, counting syllables, identifying digraphs, isolating medial sounds, ordering numbers 1-10, adding fluently within 5, modeling subtraction problems, and extending patterns.

These digital end of the year activities are no prep! Choose to use the digital escape room for whole or small group instruction, or assign it as an independent activity.

Save time and make the end of the year a memorable (and learning-filled) celebration with these digital ice cream day activities!

A note from the ice cream shop attendant reads:

I have a special treat.

Yes, it is true.

But first I need,

Some help from you!

The supplies are lost,

As you can see.

Where they are,

It’s a mystery!

Collect each one,

Along the way.

So we can build,

A big sundae!

1. Ice Cream Challenge – Count the syllables for each picture, and drag it to the correct basket.

2. Sundae Challenge – Drag the ice cream scoops to complete each number sentence. Then, type the answer.

3. Milkshake Challenge – Listen for the beginning digraph (ch, sh, th, wh), and drag each picture to the correct milkshake.

4. Cone Challenge – Drag the numbers into the correct order beginning with the number 1.

5. Cherry Challenge – Listen for the middle sound, and drag each cherry on top the correct sundae.

6. Sprinkles Challenge – Drag the correct number of sprinkles to the sundae to solve the problem. Type the answer.

7. Scoop Challenge – Drag each picture into the empty ice cream scoop above its rhyming picture.

8. Popsicle Challenge – Say the pattern. Then, drag the popsicles to finish each pattern.

You might also enjoy these other end of the year digital escape room activities!

The Case of the Beach Bandit

The Case of the Camping Caper

I hope your students love these digital ice cream day activities for the end of the year!

Keeping our little learners SHARP together!

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Hey, I’m Ashley


Hey, teacher friend! I’m Ashley, a passionate Kindergarten teacher dedicated to creating an enriching and playful learning experience for our littlest learners.

Since beginning my teaching career in 2004, I’ve become a connoisseur of teacher pens and markers, as well as a master actress, turning ordinary moments and objects into extraordinary teaching experiences and tools.

To me, the best learning involves integrated activities and, of course, a cute craft with a purpose. I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!

So, whether we’re knee-deep in glitter or orchestrating a symphony of giggles during story time, let’s keep our little learners SHARP together!


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Digital Ice Cream Day Activities for the End of the Year Digital Ice Cream Day Activities for the End of the Year