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Free Whole-Class Behavior Bingo Boards
Boost student engagement and increase positive behavior with these FREE classroom management BINGO boards!
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20 Classroom Management Tips, Tricks & Freebies
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Hey, friends! I’m teaming up with my good friend Elyse from Proud to be Primary to bring you a whole slew of classroom management tips and tricks… plus, a bunch of classroom management freebies!
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Classroom Management Tips
I use a variety of classroom management techniques, including both individual and whole group approaches. Now, it’s important to remember that I do not pull all of these classroom management tricks out of my bag at once. Keeping classroom management novel keeps my little friends eager to make positive choices!
Classroom Management Tip #1
To help establish classroom rules and expectations, I love to introduce this “Stick to the Rules” craft! We are able to easily build classroom community during the first week of school with these 20 classroom rules featuring kid-friendly “I can” statements and picture cues.

Classroom Management Tip #2
This next classroom management strategy is all about teamwork! I begin with these game boards attached to my whiteboard. Each table group works as a team to earn pieces for their board. I always like to brainstorm a list of ways we can fill our boards (i.e. being the first to clean up quickly and quietly, coming to the carpet quietly, sharing supplies, helping one another, lining up quietly, etc). The first team to fill their board wins!
Each month, we use a different game board. My kiddos always get so excited to see what they will need to fill or build next!
I love that this classroom management strategy encourages teamwork and helps build collaboration skills! You can check out all 12 monthly game boards here!
Classroom Management Tip #3
The first thing I like to do at the beginning of the year is read David Goes to School! As I am reading, we give a thumbs up for good choices and a thumbs down for not so good choices. After the story, we complete these David Goes to School activities and adorable craft!

Classroom Management Tip #4
Teaching little learners how to use school supplies is no easy feat! For little learners, repetition and practice surrounding routines and procedures is key. These how to use school supplies toolbox crafts and activities are my favorite ways to help students learn how to appropriately use our everyday school supplies!

Classroom Management Tip #5
I also like to teach my kiddos some catchy line up chants. Line up songs really help with classroom management and getting the students to line up quickly and quietly. I keep these songs on a hook right by my door. As soon as we begin lining up, I start singing and the class follows suit. You can grab these songs for free over on Mrs. Ricca’s Kindergarten.
Classroom Management Tip #6
One of our favorite whole group classroom management games is “Behavior Bingo.” I attach the bingo card on my whiteboard. In the beginning of the year, I like to use the board with only 25 numbers. As the year progresses, I print the “Behavior Bingo” hundreds board poster size. Then, I watch for good choices!
Each time I catch someone making a good choice, they come up a choose a numbered rock from the bucket. These rocks have magnets on the back so that they can cover up that number on our board. Once we have 10 in a row, we have a special reward day! You really could choose any number in a row, but I like 10 since it helps us take a closer look at how the hundreds chart is built. We always discuss our reward before beginning the game.
That way my kiddos know what they are working for and are motivated to win this prize. We love this game! Plus, it also helps reinforce number identification and number sense! Win, win! Grab your free copy HERE!
Classroom Management Tip #7
Another classroom management tip is using motivational props as a behavior incentive. These cones were super cheap, but really motivate the kiddos to stay on task and make good choices. Once I plop one down on someone’s desk, they all want one!
I also grabbed some motivational construction signs from the Dollar Tree. I like to use these during guided reading, Daily 5, math tubs, or literacy tubs. If I see a group staying on task, I will give that group a sign.
Classroom Management Tip #8
My students love “flipping for good behavior!” You might be thinking… say what? This behavior management strategy is exactly as it sounds! I begin with the word flipped upside down, and turn over a letter each time I catch my class exhibiting a positive behavior. If I witness any unwanted behavior, I might turn a letter back over. Once all of the letters have been turned right side up, the class claims their reward!
Since I love to plan fun events for my class, I thought… why not tie them into a behavior incentive?! The following rewards were all ideas that I had planned to do in my classroom, but then decided I would have my class earn these special events. The kiddos did not know that I had planned to do them anyhow. They simply thought they were working towards that reward by making good choices. Sneaky, I know… but it was a very effective form of whole group classroom management! Take a peek at some of the fun we had…
During November, we made good choices to earn a letter in the word “friendship.” After we spelled the word, we enjoyed a friendship mix with our classmates, just as the Native Americans and Pilgrims did during the First Thanksgiving.
In December, we spelled the word “gingerbread,” and then explored gingerbread cookies with our five senses. You could always make or decorate gingerbread cookies too.
If you’d like to start “flipping for good behavior” in your classroom this year, you can check it out here. It includes 10 seasonal rewards, as well as 12 rewards (Pajama Day, Stuffy Day, No Homework, Game Day, etc.) that can be used anytime throughout the year!
Classroom Management Tip #9
Any students who make it all the way to the top by the end of the day get a punch on their “Rock Star Behavior” card. Believe me… I try to be really diligent about focusing on certain kiddos so that everyone has a chance to get to the top.
Classroom Management Tip #10
After five punches, the kiddos can choose a reward coupon from my coupon box. They absolutely love these coupons! I got this set from Proud to be Primary. Find the box here.
Classroom Management Tip #11
As the year progresses, we move into bucketfillers. We begin by reading the story Have You Filled a Bucket Today by Carol McCloud. Then, we create a list (anchor chart) of all of the ways we can be a bucketfiller at school. After creating this list, I introduce our buckets. Each kiddo gets a numbered cup. I use numbers so that I can reuse them the following year… ain’t nobody got time for relabeling!
I like to use cotton balls to fill our buckets, because they are cheap and my parents donate them. Each time I catch a good choice, I have them fill their bucket. They will get one cotton ball from my big bucket and place it inside theirs. It’s just the opposite for bucket dippers. Bucket dippers have to remove a cotton ball from their bucket and place it back in mine. They hate doing this, so I usually have very few bucket dipper situations.
I don’t let the kiddos keep their buckets on their desks, just because I don’t want them to get distracted with counting the cotton balls. We keep them inside a shoe organizer that hangs over the closet door. I’m pretty sure I got this idea from Mel D. over at Seusstastic.
On Fridays, we count our cotton balls and cash them in for reward coupons! I have several boxes of coupons. In the spirit of keeping it novel, I’ll switch out these coupons throughout the year.
Classroom Management Tip #12
Alternative seating is another classroom management tip that I can’t live without. I’ve found that alternative seating provides just the right amount of movement/motion needed by some of our little learners. I have various forms of alternative seating in my classroom, including T-stools, pillows, and these scoop rockers from Walmart. You can find similar scoop rockers on Amazon.
One of our high school students made these T-stools for us. Imagine a capital T. The top of the T is a board which the students sit on. The middle, going down is a pvc pipe with a rubber stopper at the bottom. In order for the T-stool to stay upright, the students must keep their feet on the floor. This stool really helps with balance and strengthening their inner core as well!
Classroom Management Tip #13
Nailing recess routines and procedures during the first week of school is so important! I love to read The Recess Queen by Alexis O’neill to introduce recess expectations and rules. After we read this book, we complete a variety of The Recess Queen activities and craft! After working on the behavior sorts, character traits sort, comprehension activities, and centers, students will know exactly what it looks and sounds like to be a Recess Friend vs. a Recess Queen!
Classroom Management Tip #14
Speaking of books…this classroom management tip is all about using back to school read alouds to teach students about routines, expectations, and procedures. These back to school books teach students about following rules, listening, bullying, how to be patient, what is expected of them, and the importance of following routines and procedures in the classroom. Students are easily able to make connections and apply them to their school environment.
Classroom Management Tip #15
“Teacher, I’m Done, Now What?” This next classroom management tip is all about early finishers! Having a system in place for these fast finishers will save you from hearing this question every day. I love to use early finisher file folder games as they provide meaningful practice and enrichment for a variety of math and literacy skills. Students can independently play these games after finishing an assignment—staying engaged and having fun without even realizing they’re still learning!

Classroom Management Tip #16
Brag tags are another classroom management trick I’ve heard all sorts of teachers “bragging” about…see what I did there?!? I know my kiddos will be so excited to collect these tags all year and show them off to their family and friends! You can read all about how Elyse over at A Is for Apples has been using them in her kindergarten classroom.
Classroom Management Tip #17
How about this table points idea from Kristen from Easy Teaching Tools?! I really think it helps build team relationships and collaboration skills. Plus, I bet it motivates the groups to stay on task!
Classroom Management Tip #18
I’m going to try really hard to find room in my classroom to set up a VIP table this year. I already bought some fun supplies and table caddies to keep at this special table for my VIP rock stars, and I know they will work extra hard to make good choices and earn this VIP status. Check out how Aimee from Primarily Speaking and Rachel from The Tattooed Teacher organize their VIP tables and supplies.
Classroom Management Tip #19
Another fun classroom management idea I found was this “Mystery Walker” tin from What Happens in First Grade. Before leaving the classroom, she chooses a student’s name from the tin… but keeps it a secret. That person is the mystery walker, and she is watching them the entire time. If the mystery walker follows the rules of the hall, he/she gets to clip up or fill his/her bucket.
Classroom Management Tip #20
Staying organized also really helps the overall climate in the room. One way I stay organized is with absent folders. If a student is absent, I have his/her table partner grab an absent folder and place all of the work and notes the absent student missed inside this folder. My folders are nothing fancy, but I seriously adore these ones from Primarily Speaking! I think I’ll be updating mine soon! Thanks, Aimee!
I hope you have found some classroom management tips, tricks and freebies you can use in your classroom this year!
More Back to School Activities
After reading The Kissing Hand, complete this The Kissing Hand craft for kindergarten to graph first day feelings!

Build classroom community with these easy all about me activities and backpack craft!

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Ashley Sharp
As a dedicated Kindergarten teacher for nearly 20 years, I believe the words “fun, play, and creativity” can sit right alongside the words “developmentally appropriate, engaging, and rigorous.” Learning is meant to be fun and messy!
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